
Checklist of Things We Need in the Collections

Do you, your parents or grandparents have any of these items from your years in Park Forest?


Photos from all the years of Park Forest:

Postcards of Park Forest.

Newspapers or Clippings on Park Forest (We have Park Forest Star Newspaper from 1976-current and Park Forest Reporter 1949-1976 on microfilm, but some issues and articles are missing.)

Magazine Articles or Whole Issues on Park Forest

Scrapbooks of Park Forest Organizations

Diaries, Journals or Memoirs

Memorabilia:  We especially like anniversary items. 

For instance, we have the little suede nail kits and coin purses kids got for the 5th Anniversary, and miniature records, a lighter and ashtray from the 10th.

Please contact the Park Forest Historical Society if you have materials you think might belong in the Local History Collection and Archive or the 1950s Park Forest House Museum.

Some materials we would like now. Some we may ask that you donate at a later time.

When in doubt, Don't Throw Out!!
The Local History Collection needs your treasures!

Park Forest Historical Society
Jane Nicoll, Archivist, 708-481-4252, or email

Mike Gans, President, 708-305-3308, or email.